
Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year!

Well, it is a new year, a new day and a new dawn. I have been sitting here thinking about what I want to talk about on my blog and hair keeps coming into my mind. I also was thinking of how my hair seems to love natural products. Now, I know that "natural" can mean a lot of things these days but I have decided to focus on this blog entry being about natural hair product companies I have patronized throughout the years of my hair journey. There are a variety of reasons I tried them, and a variety of reasons why I stopped using them but this entry will focus on what companies and products I have tried. I don't have the energy to list what each did for my hair, that's a whole other post, lol! I don't plan to try every product on the market but I won't limit myself to not trying something every now and again.

Some of these products I received as samples, others I bought. For now, I will try to put my overall likes, dislikes and what I want to try in the future. :)

Have tried:

Carol's Daughter


Qhemet Biologics

Blended Beauty



Jasmine's Bath and Beauty Products

Valerie's Uncommon Scents

Oyin Handmade

Apala Beauty

My Honeychild

Curious about but haven't yet tried:

Karen's Body Beautiful

The Jane Carter Solution


Identity Hair and Skin


Komaza Care
Kinky Curly

Miss Jessie's

Discontinued or products that I haven't been able to find:

Eden Bodyworks