
Monday, July 21, 2014

Three pounds of Avocado Butter, oh my!

Hey all! Ok, ya'll know I LOVE me some avocado butter. For those of you who have followed my journey from it's beginning in 2001 (wow, such a long time ago), you all know that my timeline went something like this: The Year was 2002, found Carol's Daughter Healthy Hair Butter and loved it! ------> became too expensive w/shipping, even after splitting cost w/ a friend that lived near me----> Fell in love with Kemi Oyl Shea butter pomade------> became harder and harder to find and order online--------------> Found, tried a variety of butters like shea, shealoe, avocado **cheesing** and mango. Finished all of these containers to find that I was really feeling the avocado butter. The price, results, benefits...sold. So since then, which was around 2004 when I found avocado butter, it has been a STAPLE. Don't get me wrong, I have tried plenty of other "butter-esque" products since finding my AB (what I will refer to instead of typing "avocado butter" over and over again), and I tried making my own butter using oils, shea butter, Crisco (yep I tried it lol), etc, but have continuously come back home to my AB. So why this post? Well, through the years, I have consistently been ordering from ebay or etsy when it comes to my AB. I usually end up ordering from the same company or person. Off the top of my head, the person's name/company name on ebay and etsy is kessil2000. I have had zero problems from ordering from this person/company and the name of my AB is Dr. Adorable. The one thing I've noticed through the years is that they went from a bottle to a jar, which was PERFECT for me and I'm sure many others. I stopped ordering from because the prices seemingly skyrocketed overnight. I mean, I know it happens but I couldn't justify paying almost twice as much for something than I did the previous year. I know about supply and demand believe you me...PLUS...looking at all of the products on the shelves today, I can see, now, what was going on then. After trying a couple of other sites, I found etsy and ebay and the rest is history. So my favorite AB vendor is auctioning big containers of AB on ebay and I got a 3 lb. container for ((drumroll)) $ 26.50! Yes, I got 48 oz of AB for $26.50 (won the auction at $ 20.50 paid $ 6 s&h). Ya'll don't know how excited I was when that container showed up. As many know, I have a 3 year old girl child and she has a lot of hair. This bucket will last us for AT LEAST 2 years. I have always bought the 12-16 oz jars at about $10-12 dollars each, but THIS container? Need I say more? So that's it! Didn't mean to bore you guys but thanks for stopping by! :) Hope this helps out any AB junkies out there! ;)

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